Code can be found here.

SSM Diff is a tool written by runtheops on GitHub. Multiple forks of this code already exist, each addressing a change in the technology it depends on. Mine happened to be incompatibility with Python 3.9.

The tool is fairly simple to use:

  1. Have the AWS CLI set up on your terminal. (If you’re using an environment variable based authentication process make sure AWS_DEFAULT_REGION is set.)
  2. In the ssm-diff directory, make sure the dependencies are installed: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Run ssm-diff init to initialise the default parameters.yml.
  4. Run ssm-diff pull to clone the parameters from AWS into your parameters.yml file.
  5. Run ssm-diff plan to see changes made to your SSM parameters.
  6. Run ssm-diff push to push changes made to your SSM parameters.

Values for /Dev/DBServer/MySQL/app1, /Dev/DBServer/MySQL/app2, /Dev/EC2/Web/app1, /Test/DBServer/MySQL/app1, /Test/DBServer/MySQL/app2, and /Test/EC2/Web/app1 will appear as:

      app1: <value>
      app2: <value>
    app1: <value>
      app1: <value>
      app2: <value>
    app1: <value>

Arguments can be passed too. Notably:

  • -f Specify a yaml file to use (useful for multiple accounts/regions).
  • --engine Specify a diff engine to use (defaults to DiffResolver).
  • --profile Specify an AWS profile to use (defaults to profile).
  • --force Used with the pull command. Overwrites parameters.yml file, keeping added keys.