
Creating a Planner

05 Apr, 2022 ∗ 4 minute read

Update: I didn’t update this. I have always struggled with staying productive. Every now and then I’ll get the urge to be super productive; create a list of all the books I want to read, courses I want to complete, projects I want to develop. I’ll end up sticking to this plan for a couple of days before losing motivation, and becoming intimidated by the huge todo list I’ve committed to. Bullet Journals Bullet journal is a system of personal organisation. It can cover topics such as todo lists, schedules, goals, brainstorms, etc. It’s incredibly flexible; What you keep track of is completely up to you (e.g. amount of water drunk). Bullet journals are often broken down into the following components: Index: Which page each collection is on.

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Setting up an IBM Model F XT in 2022

19 Feb, 2022 ∗ 6 minute read

The Soarer’s converter does 99% of the work.