Gaggia Classic Maintenance
While this is written with the Gaggia Classic in mind, this carries over to any espresso machine.
While this is written with the Gaggia Classic in mind, this carries over to any espresso machine.
Settings -> Advanced features -> Labs -> Enable Multi window for all apps
Simple way to compress images for web usage. So simple in fact the only reason I have this post is because I forget about the tool every now and then.
dd if=image.iso of=/dev/ridentifier bs=1m
rsync -ah –inplace –progress /Volumes/Samsung_T5/Music/* /Volumes/IPOD/Music
gpg –decrypt myKey.pgp | gpg –import
Using Job DSL
Create groovy files in a git repo under /vars/
A quick guide on how to host a WKD on a static website for automatic key discovery. You can give it a shot with my email gpg –locate-keys
def paramsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder() params.each { param -> paramsStringBuilder.append("${param.key}: ${param.value} “) } currentBuild.description = paramsStringBuilder.toString()