Japanese Input With Fcitx
Set up Japanese input using Fcitx5 and Mozc.
The Arch Wiki provides some fonts to use for Japanese localisation.
sudo pacman -S adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-jp-fonts noto-fonts-cjk otf-ipaexfont ttf-hanazono
Fcitx and Mozc
My preferred IMF/IME is Fcitx and Mozc.
Install the following packages:
sudo pacman -S fcitx5-im fcitx5-lua fcitx5-mozc
And now for some manual configuration. Within the KDE system settings, under keyboard, change:
Your keyboard layout to Japanese
Keyboard model to Generic | Japanese 106-key
Virtual keyboard to “Fcitx 5”
Then under input method:
Input method (off) to Keyboard - Japanese
Input method on to Mozc
Then configure mozc to use kana input instead of romaji.
Lastly create the following file:
# Initial Mode
# Vertical candidate list
# Expand Usage (Requires vertical candidate list)
ExpandMode="On Focus"
# Fix embedded preedit cursor at the beginning of the preedit
# Hotkey to expand usage