When creating pipelines I often add something like the following to the start of my pipeline:

pipeline {
  stages {
      steps {
        script {
          def paramsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
          params.each { param ->
            paramsStringBuilder.append("${param.key}: ${param.value}\n")
          currentBuild.description = paramsStringBuilder.toString()

I usually implement it as a function as a part of a Jenkins Library, e.g.:

def call() {
  def paramsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
  params.each { param ->
    paramsStringBuilder.append("${param.key}: ${param.value}\n")
  currentBuild.description = paramsStringBuilder.toString()

I’ll also set the currentBuild.displayName as well, for example in an environment creation job:

pipeline {
  parameters {
      name: "ENVIRONMENT_NAME",
      defaultValue: "myWebServer",
      description: "The name of the environment to create."
      name: "ENVIRONMENT_TYPE",
      choices: [
      description: "The type of environment to create."

  stages {
      steps {
        script {
          currentBuild.displayName = "#${BUILD_NUMBER} ${params.ENVIRONMENT_NAME} (${params.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE})"