Mixing Chemicals


Fomadon P D-76

  1. Warm 700ml water to 40°C.
  2. Dissolve contents of small bag.
  3. Dissolve contents of large bag.
  4. Mix in 300ml water (Total 1L).

Fujifilm SPD ( スーパーSuper プロドールProdol )

  1. Warm 1L water to 40°C.
  2. Dissolve contents of bag.


Fomafix P (Film)

  1. Warm 600ml water to 40°C.
  2. Dissolve contents of large bag.
  3. Dissolve contents of small bag.
  4. Mix in 150ml water (Total 750ml).

Fomafix P (Paper)

  1. Warm 600ml water to 40°C.
  2. Dissolve contents of large bag.
  3. Dissolve contents of small bag.
  4. Mix in 400ml water (Total 1L).


D-76 / ID-11

1L: 10 uses, 20°C, increase time by 15% after 4th roll

Continuously agitate for the first 30 seconds. Then for the first 10 seconds every minute.

Film Minutes
FilmNeverDie Kuro 100 10
Fomapan 100 Classic 7 ~ 8
Fomapan 200 Creative 5 ~ 6
Fomapan 400 Action 10 ~ 12
Ilford Delta 400 Professional 9 ~ 10
Ilford HP5 Plus 400 7 ~ 8
Ilford Ortho Plus 80 8
Ilford SFX 200 10
Kentmere 400 9 ~ 10
Kodak TMax 100 6 ~ 7
Kodak TMax 400 7 ~ 8
Kodak RAR Film 2495 7

Fujifilm SPD ( スーパーSuper プロドールProdol )

1L: 10 uses, 20°C, increase time by 5-10% after 4th roll

Continuously agitate for the first minute. Then for the first 5 seconds every minute.

Film Minutes
FilmNeverDie Kuro 100 10
Fomapan 400 Action 10 ~ 12
Ilford HP5 Plus 400 7 ~ 8


There are two ways in which I use Rodinal.

  1. As a normal developer
  2. For stand developing

I don’t usually do stand developing, but I find it especially useful for mystery film. Occasionally at markets I’ll find either very expired film, or something that was bulk rolled from an unknown origin. I find stand developing gives me a nice workable image. I don’t think I would prefer it over using a regular developer in other cases.

Normal Developing (1+50)

~1L (20ml Rodinal to 1L water, or for single steel developing tank 6ml Rodinal to 300ml water), 20°C, discard after use.

Continuously agitate for the first 30 seconds. Then for the first 10 seconds every minute.

Film Minutes
Ilford HP5 Plus 400 11

Stand Developing (1+100)

~1L (10ml Rodinal to 1L water, or for single steel developing tank 3ml Rodinal to 300ml water), 20°C, discard after use.

Continuously agitate for the first 30 seconds. Then optionally once or twice about half way through the developing time.

Film Minutes
Any 60


Fomafix P

750mL: 15 uses, 20°C

Continuously agitate for the first 30 seconds. Then for the first 10 seconds every minute.

Medium Minutes
Any 10