Sebastiaan van Wagensveld

Site Reliability Engineer at Secure Code Warrior

Hi there! I'm Sebastiaan, a Site Reliability Engineer from Melbourne (Wurundjeri Country), Australia.

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Setting up an IBM Model F XT in 2022

19 Feb, 2022 ∗ 6 minute read

The Soarer’s converter does 99% of the work.

SSM Diff

29 Dec, 2021

A fork of a fork of a fork of an SSM Diff tool written in python.

Rockbox Rsync

05 Oct, 2021

rsync -ah –inplace –progress /Volumes/Samsung_T5/Music/* /Volumes/IPOD/Music

Transfer a PGP key to another device

05 Oct, 2021

gpg –decrypt myKey.pgp | gpg –import

Seed Jobs in Jenkins

06 Aug, 2021

Using Job DSL

Create a Jenkins Library

06 Aug, 2021

Create groovy files in a git repo under /vars/

Host a PGP Web Key Directory on a Static Site

27 Jul, 2021

A quick guide on how to host a WKD on a static website for automatic key discovery. You can give it a shot with my email gpg –locate-keys

Print all parameters in a jobs description

21 Jul, 2021

def paramsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder() params.each { param -> paramsStringBuilder.append("${param.key}: ${param.value} “) } currentBuild.description = paramsStringBuilder.toString()

Find AMI ID without launching an EC2 Instance

15 Jul, 2021

  1. Go to the AWS Marketplace, search for the image you need. Select it.
  2. Click “Continue to Subscribe” (You may need to log in if you’re not already).
  3. Click “Continue to Configuration”.
  4. Configure “Delivery Method”, “Software Version”, and “Region” - All of these will change the AMI ID.
  5. Your AMI ID will be towards the bottom.

Bitbucket Permission denied (publickey)

29 Jun, 2021

Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file Host HostName PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa