Creates 3 servings


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
    • Chicken Stock, 80ml
    • Oyster Sauce, 1 Tbsp
    • Fish Sauce, 2 tsp
    • Sugar, 1 tsp


  1. Dice and combine all ingredients in a bowl.
    • Shallot, 1 – Large
    • Garlic, 4 Cloves – Minced
    • Thai Chillies, 4 – chopped


The amount of basil you use depends on how much you like basil.

  1. Pluck basil leaves and put in a bowl.
    • Basil, a lot

Putting it all together

  1. Cut chicken thighs into bite sized pieces, cook on oiled pan until it looks brown.
    • Chicken Thighs, 500g – Cut into bite sized pieces
  2. Add prepared vegetables to the pan.
    • Prepared Vegetables
  3. When the vegetables start to caramelise, add prepared sauce.
    • Prepared Sauce
  4. When sauce starts to caramelise, kill the heat and add prepared basil. Once the leaves are wilted you’re ready to serve.
    • Prepared Basil


Serve with jasmine rice, and a fried egg on top.